• Jaycee Park (map)
  • Melaleuca Drive
  • Fort Pierce, FL, 34949
  • United States

We welcome you to the 2nd Annual Game On! Treasure Coast Half & International Triathlon #RacefortheBooty! This Half & International distance event will take place on Sunday, November 14th at Jaycee Park, Hutchinson Island.  Half Distance Triathletes will start from the beach before heading out on a 1.2 mile swim in the Indian River Lagoon, followed by a 56 mile out and back bike course along A1A, and end the race with a 13.1 mile (half marathon) run on A1A.  International distance triathletes will complete a .5 mile swim, 24 mile bike and 6.6 mile run along the same beautiful course. We are offering the Duathlon and Aquabike in both Half and International distances! Both duathlons will start with a 1 mile run in place of the swim, and the Aquabike races will end when you re-enter transition after completing the bike course.

Jaycee Park is located at the intersection of South Ocean Drive and Melaleuca Drive on the Indian River Lagoon. Fort Pierce, often called the Sunrise City, situated on the "Treasure Coast," named after the famed sinking of a Spanish treasure fleet in 1715, Fort Pierce is one of the oldest communities on the east coast of Florida. Incorporated in 1901, the city grew from 300 pioneers to approximately 41,000 residents today and encompasses approximately 29 square miles.

*No pets are allowed at Jaycee Park. Please leave your pets at home.
